Une fois que nous aurons gagné la guerre contre le COVID-19, il semble clair que "le jour d'après (...) ne sera pas un retour au jour d'avant" (Emmanuel Macron, 16 mars 2020). C'est pourquoi les perspectives pour les entreprises responsables n'en seront que plus enthousiasmantes et prometteuses, puisque ce sont elles qui seront appelées à être les acteurs majeurs du nouveau capitalisme.
Le virus va laisser survivre nos stéréotypes : un article de notre partenaire INC - Institute of NeuroCognitivism
Watch our partners and leaders talk about our partnerships and initiatives to advance gender balance in business and society:
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"
Consciously or unconsciously we set ourselves our own limits. My passion is to enable both women and men to surpass these restrictions by unlocking their innate human potential. As an executive coach and leadership developer, my day to day job is to empower talents by helping them succeed in their professional lives and overcome challenges.
Each month, discover an uplifting and inspiring conversation and some key tips to help your career progression and personal development.
This includes concrete examples and experiences from our coaches Romaine Johnstone, VP Develop PWN Paris, and Sandra Fillaudeau, as well as tools to help you better understand yourself and therefore the people around you.