Visit our new PWN Paris Website

Why we exist, what we do:  

Connect and Network

We produce the practical tools needed to network effectively and meet with role models: 

  • Networking cocktails and special events like the "Best Of" Congress conference day, the Spring cocktail, the Christmas cocktail, the Galette des Reines, all dedicated to networking among members 
  • Speaker events at Le Sénat with leading experts and top industry leaders - recent speakers include Sylvie Kauffmann, Nicole Notat, Claudie Haigneré, Irene Natividad, Véronique Morali or Anne Lauvergeon
  • We provide access to online member forums, Think Tanks, Entrepreneur and professional communities as well as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter activities.

Learn and Develop

We use a multi-facetted approach that includes forums, live professional soft skills and hard skills training events, and e-learning, to target skill development and ongoing education.

Sharing and Mentoring

PWN-Paris provides a well-known and recognized mentoring program with a training plan for mentors and a realm of benefits for mentees. The annual “Best OfCongress event features speakers whose shared experiences create a positive, forward-thinking, cross-cultural drive.


Our “Prix Entrepreneure Responsable” rewards a woman’s entrepreneurial project with a year of coaching by a group of members. Our Entrepreneurs club helps our members of this category to connect, learn and develop their business.

Executive Programs, Think Tanks and Publishing

With the “Executive Forum” and “Women on Boards” programs, PWN is at the forefront of initiatives to promote the progress of women in Europe’s leading companies and provides a scene for best practice sharing and continuous improvement. Our Think Tanks and publications nourish public debate on subjects relevant to professional women.
By leveraging the professional experience and volunteerism of our members, we intend to provide our network with regular fuel for thinking, creative ideas and last but not least - the drive - to fulfill their professional endeavors!

Who are our members?

A set of resourceful, go-ahead and very international business women who delight in all aspects of today’s opportunities – personal, professional and family-related. Our aim is to learn from each other maximize our potential and impact. Women represent 50% of the talent pool and 50% of the market – by getting together, we can use our growing influence to the best effect…

Our Corporate partners

PWN has a growing number of corporate partners that wish to be associated with our Network’s objectives at both European and French levels. These companies are dynamic, forward-thinking corporations who are actively implementing diversity and inclusion.  Theyhave a keen interest in developing their female staff andwish to give them an opportunity to network outside their business sphere.


Founded in 1996, PWN Paris now has over 800 members of 50 different nationalities and from 52 different business sectors. We aim to share knowledge across Europe with our network of sister associations in PWN because we have a lot to learn from each other!  

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