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PWN Paris Newsletter September 2018

Dear all, 

A new season, a new energy to dare, to be positive, to accelerate your career, to imagine a new future, your future ! 

PWN Paris is thrilled to propose you more than 60 events per year to realize your dreams, to network, to develop your skills, to reveal your talent.

Our signature this year will be “Talents and jobs of tomorrow”, starting with the conference Women & Ambition giving us the ambition to break the ceiling glass. Marie-Laure Barrau, our new vice president in charge of entrepreneurship, is launching the new entrepreneurship program that may trigger your desire to launch your own business and accompany you in this venture.  

In this new format, we are very proud to inspire you, share our best practices and topics and highlight members of the month, Aja Barbo Gruden and Claudia Vaccarone, who have interesting and successful career path. 

Enjoy, share and dare. 

Cecile Bernheim, and Françoise Derolez, Presidents of PWN Paris 


Women & Ambition Think Tank

Ambition, Straight Ahead - 1st Major Event of the Year on Sept 20


Si cette envie d'en découdre vous a déjà traversé l'esprit… Si quelque chose en vous a pourtant hésité la seconde suivante… Alors, vous aimerez le sujet de notre Think...


Ladies of the Month

Armelle Perben & Catherine Brennan, the Power of Networking


The idea for "Absolutely French" was born from Armelle Perben’s personal experience as an expatriate, faced with the challenges of integrating into the local country and culture. The start-up,...


PWN Paris Entrepreneurship

Welcome to Marie-Laure Barrau, new Vice President of PWN Paris Entrepreneurship Club


In Le Larousse, the definition of “Entreprendre” is “to start to execute/to undertake an action, most of the time long and complex”, and an “Entreprepreneur” is “someone who is leading a...



Aja Barbo Gruden, Director of Customer Service and International Development, LE BHV MARAIS


I first arrived to Paris in 2007 to do a studying exchange while finishing my Masters in Journalism and French. Soon after moving there, I had the chance to meet a Franco-German couple who invited...


Claudia Vaccarone, Senior Strategy Advisor, European Broadcasting Union


I grew up in Italy and played professional volleyball in my teens. I was recruited by Seton Hall University in the USA for their volleyball collegiate program, and this launched my international...


PWN Paris Mentoring

The Secret of a Successful Mentoring

Le Secret  d’un Mentoring Réussi

PWN Paris depuis de nombreuses années accompagne le développement professionnel de ses membres grâce à son programme de mentoring, reconnu et couru.


Welcome to our New Members

Thank you for joining PWN community! We look forward to meeting you soon


Welcome to New Members and Discovery Cocktail for non-members


Last Thursday Cocktail on 27 September is full, sign up for the next one on 25 October at Hôtel de l'Industrie (4 Place Saint-Germain-des-Prés 75006). Information and Registration here .



Visit our website www.pwnparis.net


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Book your calendar now for our future events

Take a look at all the exciting events that we have on offer, all dates on our Calendar 



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