Shape your project by joining the WIT group like Christine Thiériot, a Woman In Transition in Action

10 December 2018

In a nutshell, the Women in Transition (WIT) programme is... 3 hours of impactful, empowering and enlightening workshops every month for 10 months about professional transition. 

Christine Thiériot interviewed by Barbara Seixas 

Describe the WIT programme in 3 words and explain what it means to you 
Audacity: to actually dare transitioning. 
Support: from professional coaches who are inspiring and caring. From the other women, who I can share my experiences with. It boosts me and gives me strength to carry on my journey.
Personal fulfilment: after every session, I come out with new techniques to apply and readings or materials to pursue my personal growth. 
Why did you decide to join in the WIT programme? 
I would say that it was just the perfect timing. In the past few years, I was already going through a personal journey of introspection and questioning about my professional life. As a result, I graduated from a professional course in interior design, which made me realise that this is the career I wanted to pursue. 
I have been a member of PWN for the past 10 years and joining the WIT programme was just a no-brainer for me. I wanted to continue my reflections, to work on my posture, to fine-tune my strategic positioning and to make sure that my transition as an interior designer is 100% positive. 
What was your aha moment?

It happened on the second session while discovering the “Ikigai” tool which focuses on finding your purpose. Furthermore, the testimony of one of the members about how she had found her own purpose really resonated in me. This tool seems really powerful, that’s why I bought the book right after the session!

How have the sessions helped you so far with your own professional project?
The session about the pitch pushed me to push my reflection further and to reframe the way I talk about myself, my competencies and my project. 
The session “Take your magic wand and design a project that makes sense to you” helped me reconnect my heart with my body. At the end of it, I walked away with a clear and logical framework summarizing my new professional project. I will be using this as a foundation to develop my project.
What are you looking forward? 

The next workshop in December 19th “Awaken the Fearless Woman inside you to transition successfully” because going overcoming obstacles is part of the journey too and that’s what I am going through right now.  

What would you say to women who are thinking about coming to the WIT workshops?

Regardless of where you are in your transition process and even if you have not initiated anything yet, trust me you will benefit from the workshops! They stimulate your ideas and your creativity, enable you to share stories with other professionals and to be honest I just feel lifted up by this group of women. Great place to live authentic moments. Have a go and I am sure you won’t regret it! 

Christine Thiériot Interviewed by Barbara Seixas

Barbara Seixas is a coach specialised in career transition. She puts your identity at the heart of your career to make it meaningful. Born in France and raised with deep Portuguese roots, she crossed social and cultural boundaries and worked for 15 years in London in the banking industry. She managed her own career transition and focuses on personal development and the expression of potentials and talents. She supports people who are looking for authenticity in their next career move. She also works with professional football players on developing their potential outside of sport.


Women in Transition is one of PWN Paris programmes which gives you the opportunity to grow and fulfill your ambition... Just grab it!   

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